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Early Morning Pedicab Havana Cuba

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Early Morning Pedicab Havana Cuba

I was heading back from my early morning search for an espresso in Havana Cuba. Breakfast was on my mind. But then I spied this building under renovation. There was something very intriguing about it. At street level, it looked totally dilapidated and under-construction look. But just look up and you see evidence of some hardy individuals living in this building and hanging out the laundry almost like flags waving from behind the construction scaffolding.

I tried to compose a photo to reflect my interest in the building but the barrier at street level made for an uninteresting photo. Since there was a lot of foot and vehicular traffic passing by I thought I’d wait for someone or something to walk or roll by. First try…click click click….but someone walked right in front of the camera as I pressed the shutter. Second try, perfect placement of a pedicab, but then a truck rumbles by at the exact wrong moment. The minutes ticked by, the day got later, the traffic increased, and my quest was looking more impossible. Finally, I was able to click off this shot before some person or vehicle photobombed my shot!